Monday, July 28, 2008

FCM Convention 2008 - Fun & Inspiring

The Fellowship of Christian Magicians (FCM) annual international convention was a success again this year. It was the 50th meeting of the FCM and the facilities at Indiana Wesleyan University, about an hour North of Indianapolis couldn't have been better. Each year it seems that new buildings are popping up on that beautiful campus.

The ventriloquism section at FCM enjoyed 14 lectures during the week with an average attendance in the 20s. Dave Mitchell's lecture was packed with over 30.

In 2009, the puppets and ventriloquism section will likely be combined. There are many natural areas of overlapping and it promises to double the numbers for many of the lectures.

The most inspiring part of the ventriloquism lectures this year was watching new students discover that they could do ventriloquism. Some picked it up immediately, and nearly everyone was plugged in to the lectures, seeking to pick up and develop their skills. I look forward to encouraging them in the months to come and see them perform next year!